Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Errand Day in Paradise

Yesterday was hot, but not as bad as it has been.  Bill disconnected the air conditioner and we just plugged in the two fans.  We then decided we would do a few errands today, all within walking distance.  First, since Irene had really done a job on our dodger and we needed one even before that as you could not see through the plastic window we walked across the road to the canvas shop.  Again the greeting was cheerful with a sniff and a wag.

I did not catch his name, but we will be back.  The owner is coming today to look at our old one and get us an estimate.

From there we walked up to Burger King.  Yes, some good old fashioned junk food.  But very familiar.  Then to get wine and lottery tickets.  Back on Enigma we opened our mail delivery.  Title for dingy was there and the insurance paperwork to finish and sign.  

We later decided to walk over to Dock 3.  There are three docks here.  We are on one, which is about 70% sailboats.  The docks here are very wide. Wide enough to drive on.

Dock three is closest to the ocean.  There are condos there also.  They have a nice, peaceful view.

The largest boats are on this dock.  This one is for sale.  It is a 1987 87foot Hatteras Motor Yacht with a European Cockpit, whatever that means.  Come ooonnn powerball!!

Dock two is a mixture, mostly power on that one.  It is only one with palm trees on the end though.

As I had mentioned before it is extremely hot here.  Most of the boats have a/c running most of the time.  To keep off some of the direct sun light many of the boats put a cover or two over the bow and/or stern.  Not a bad idea.  Some are professionally made.

And some, not so much.

And kitty just watches everything from here perch on the recycle bins.

Patti and Bill :-)

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